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MDACC Assessment, Intervention and Measurement Shared Resource (AIM)

 Assessment, Intervention and Measurement


Overview of Services

The mission of the Assessment, Intervention and Measurement (AIM) facility is to provide expertise in the science of collecting and managing patient-generated health data, and behavioral intervention development and implementation utilizing Web, mobile and other technology applications.


The AIM facility provides services in assessment, including identification of measurement tools and development of data collection procedures. Services also include design and development of data collection methods for clinic and community settings, including mailed and telephone surveys, commercial and customized platforms for Web and mobile surveys, ecological momentary assessment (EMA), physical activity and functioning assessments, and sensor applications. Intervention services include the delivery of physical functioning and exercise interventions, and the development of Web and mobile applications for behavioral interventions focused on cancer prevention (e.g., tobacco cessation) through cancer survivorship (e.g., managing treatment side effects in head and neck cancer survivors).  Measurement services include development of study tracking and questionnaire databases, data entry, computerized randomization modules, scoring of questionnaires and measurement tools, and psychometric analysis.


Susan K. Peterson, PhD, MPH
Core Director
Phone: 713-792-8267



Karen Basen-Engquist, PhD, MPH
Core Co-Director
Phone: 713-745-3123


AIM Team

Mary Camero, MS - Core Manager

Carol Harrison, MEd - Program Manager

George Baum, MS - Principal Statistical Analyst 

Elenita Tamez, MA - Programmer Analyst


Marialeska Tariba-Edick, JD- Sr. Coordinator Research Data 

Salma Foster,- Sr. Coordinator Research Data

Rene Andrade Ruiz, - Clinical Studies Coordinator  

Allaeddine Bekhouche, MIS, MS - Web Development Specialist 

Ying Chen - Sr. Applications Systems Analyst

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday 8:00a-5:00p 

Cancer Prevention Building


Links and Resources

  1. Click here to visit the core website


Name Role Phone Email Location
Susan K. Peterson, PhD, MPH
Core Director
Cancer Prevention Building
Karen Basen-Engquist, PhD, MPH
Core Co-Director
Cancer Prevention Building