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MDACC Advanced Microscopy Core

Overview of Services

LS7 Meso and Micro-Scale Lightsheet Microscopy

Equipment: Zeiss Gaussian Lightsheet 7 (LS7) 

  • Rapid volumetric imaging of fixed and cleared whole organs, tissues and embryos
  • Dual sided lightsheet illumination
  • 6 laser lines (405, 445, 488, 514, 561 and 638 nm) for rapid multispectral imaging from blue to far-red
  • Optics include 5X and 20X water and Clarity (mixed immersion)

Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy with Spectral HyD Detectors

Equipment: Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope | Zeiss LSM880 Confocal Microscope 

  • Fast imaging of live or fixed cells and tissues by resonant or conventional scanning
  • Highest sensitivity photon-counting HyD detectors
  • Spatial resolution ~250 nm (XY), ~600 nm (Z)
  • Channel unmixing by spectral fingerprinting
  • 3-D visualization
  • Reflection mode using AOBS
  • FRET and FRAP modules
  • Automated image stitching for large specimens and 3-D Assay imaging in multi-well plates

Super-Resolution Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM)

Equipment: OMX Blaze V4 Microscope

  • Spatial resolution ~120 nm (XY), ~300 nm (Z)
  • 3-D high impact imaging of cellular structures

Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRF)

Equipment: OMX Blaze V4 Microscope 

  • Spatial resolution ~250 nm (XY), ~ 100 nm (Z thickness)
  • Studies of live cell membrane receptor-ligand interactions, cellular adhesion, endo and exocytosis, etc.

Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP)

Equipment: Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope | Zeiss LSM880 Confocal Microscope

  • Dynamics of molecule trafficking in cells

Super-Resolution Localization Microscopy (STORM/PALM/GSD)

Equipment: OMX Blaze V4 Microscope (2-D)

  • Spatial resolution ~20 nm (XY), ~ 60 nm (Z)
  • Molecular studies of subcellular structures at the highest optical resolution available

Förster/Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Imaging

Equipment: OMX Blaze V4 Microscope | Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope | Zeiss LSM880 Confocal Microscope

  • 1-10 nm molecular distance sensitivity
  • Static and dynamic mapping of molecular interactions inside cells
  • ‘Cyan/Yellow’, ‘Green/Red’ and ‘Red/Far Red’ donor/acceptor compatibility
  • Sensitized Emission (3-Cube) Method or Photobleaching Method

Image Analysis and Visualization

IMARIS Software (2SCR3.3203 and 3SCR4.3413)

  • High-end 3/4D Image Visualization and Analysis
  • Adaptive thresholding with feature identification (spots, cells, nuclei, cytoplasm, cell membranes, neuronal dendrites, etc)
  • Hundreds of morphological measurements
  • Colocalization
  • 3-D video design with rotations, fly-through, zooming and time-lapse visualization
  • Spatiotemporal tracking
  • Compatible with most existing microscope brands and image formats

LCS3.x (Leica Confocal Software) (2SCR3.3130)

  • Image pre-processing and basic analysis of images from Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope
  • De-noising, spectral channel unmixing, distance measurement, z-stack projection (maximum intensity or average), 3-D rotation movie rendering, colocalization coefficients

SoftWorx (OMX microscope)

  • Image pre-processing and basic analysis of images from OMX Blaze SIM Microscope
  • De-noising, distance measurement, z-stack projection (maximum intensity or average), 3-D rotation movie rendering, colocalization coefficients, FRET, etc.



Collene Jeter |Core Director || 832-750-7259 (office) & 512-694-0586 (cell)

M. Anna Zal |Core Manager || 713-563-7306 (office) & 346-234-0480 (cell)

Han Yang | Sr Research Asst | | 713-794-1902 (office) 


Locations and hours of operation

Hours      Locations

   Monday - Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm (24/7 for independent users) 

  2SCR3.3023 (office) 7455 Fannin, Houston, TX 77054

  3SCR4.3420 (office) 1881 East Rd., Houston, TX 77054

Links and Resources

  1. MD Anderson Advanced Microscopy Core


Name Role Phone Email Location
Collene Jeter
1881 East Rd. Houston, TX 77054
M. Anna Zal
Core Manager
7455 Fannin, Houston, TX 77054
Han Yang
Sr Research Asst
1881 East Rd. Houston, TX 77054

Service list

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